國立臺灣大學 機械系 終身特聘教授 覺文郁 Wen-Yuh Jywe Banner


Wen-Yuh Jywe

國立臺灣大學 機械系 終身特聘教授 覺文郁 Wen-Yuh Jywe Personal Photo


Wen-Yuh Jywe

國立臺灣大學機械系 終身特聘教授
NTU ME Distinguished Professor

覺文郁博士是智慧製造與精密量測領域的先驅,在工具機產業有重大貢獻。他擁有超過 150 件專利,發表 300 餘篇學術論文,完成 60 餘件技術移轉。他開發的五軸光學式精度量測系統獲得多國專利認證,是全球首創的非接觸式工具機精度檢測儀器。憑藉其在產學合作的卓越成就,他獲得多項殊榮,包括教育部國家產業大師獎、東元科技獎等重要獎項。

Dr. Wen-Yuh Jywe is a pioneer in intelligent manufacturing and precision measurement, with significant contributions to the machine tool industry. He holds over 150 patents and has published more than 300 academic papers, with over 60 technology transfers. His innovative five-axis optical precision measurement system, patented in multiple countries, is the world's first non-contact precision detection instrument for machine tools. His outstanding achievements in industry-academia collaboration have earned him numerous prestigious awards, including the National Industry Master Award from the Ministry of Education and the TECO Award.

Focus on


Machine tool measurement technology


Precision measurement


Intelligent manufacturing technology


Opto-Mechatronics Integration

and more...



Intelligent Sensing and Digital Manufacturing Lab

機械系館 324 室 / Room 324, Mechanical Engineering Building

未來研究方向:多軸 CNC 自主化精密檢測校正技術、異質設備通訊與 AI 邊緣運算技術開發、CNC 精密組裝線數位化管理應用技術開發、CNC 加工設備防護技術、AI 加工品質異常檢知、CNC 刀具壽命管理技術。
Future Research Directions: Multi-axis CNC automated precision inspection and calibration technology, Heterogeneous equipment communication and AI edge computing technology development, Digital management and application technology for CNC precision assembly lines, CNC machining equipment protection technology, AI-based machining quality anomaly detection, CNC tool life management technology.

Teaching Courses


Precision measurement


Sensor and its intelligent applications


Intelligent manufacturing